Place as Palimpsest - Politics of Iconoclasm and Repositories of Infamy
The series 'Place as Palmipsest - Politics of Iconoclasm’ focuses on the relationship between politics, iconoclasm and its manifestations in European cultural landscape, concentrating on the roles and underlying structures of 20th century political monuments, statues and sites.
As long as there has been images, there has been iconoclasm: Cities and temples razed, monuments
toppled, statues ground into gravel. Revolutions are inextricably linked to iconoclasm and no revolution takes place without usurping, manipulating or acting upon the pre-existing symbols.
Of particular interest are the underlying behavioural patterns connected to emerging political movements, activism and actions of individuals and social institutions; asking under what conditions the act of defacement, iconoclasm and erasure becomes justifiable and socially normative? What are the alternative modes of operating?